Here is my first prototype of a DIY Solar Scintillation Seeing Monitor (based on ... final2.pdf). It's currently build on an Arduino prototype board to check basic functionality.
The software is also just a first "quick and dirty" solution to display measured values. But - and I think that is an interesting feature - it has already the capability to start FireCapture recordings automatically when a specified seeing trigger level is reached.
The blue line on the left chart is the seeing value, the red line a moving average. The right chart displays the current input value (intensity) of the sensor.
I have just started to test the output. At least the results seem to be not completely unreasonable and the seeing measured this morning at cooler temperatures was clearly better than yesterday evening above the heated roofs.
There is a long ToDo list:
- - rebuild on perfboard, housing, …
- - validate results (compare measures with image quality)
- - user friendly software (improved display, configurable trigger for FireCapture, log file support, …)
- - maybe external display for standalone operation (site evaluation)