Newbee autostakkert question

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Newbee autostakkert question

Post by markj57 »

Hi everyone,

Tried my first solar image today. Lunt 80mm HA scope with ZWO 174mm camera. Focused with Sharpcap and then saved several 16 bit SER video files.

The first weird thing was while the image visually with an eyepiece looked fine, when I imaged it with the camera as you go left to right across the image the gain appeared to increase. I could not get a properly exposed total disk, if the right side was properly exposed the left side would be over exposed (see photo). However, I pressed on.

Checked my capture folder and it contained all 4 video SER files and related files.

Opened Autostakkert (version and it did not see any of the files (for example 08_01_12.ser). But it did see a file called 14_21_16 (AVI file) and when I tried to open it I got "invalid floating point operation".

Any ideas?


IMG_8078.JPG (2.96 MiB) Viewed 2466 times

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Re: Newbee autostakkert question

Post by marktownley »

Hi there and welcome to the forum,

The gradient across the disk is caused by the scope not being properly tuned. Do your tuning with it on screen and look for an even field of view. You may have to move the sun around it to find it.

Have you got the 'files of type' set to SER in the window when you go to open them in AS3?


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